Pick Out Your Christmas Tree
If you celebrate Christmas, one your favorite holiday experiences may be picking out a fresh-cut Christmas tree. Whether you want to cut your own (recommended!), or buy one pre-cut, a Christmas tree is an important centerpiece for any Christmas celebration.
Here are some places to get your tree:
Elderkin Christmas Tree Farm, Walton
Located at the top of Murphy Hill Road, across from More Park, in Walton. Cut-your-own Christmas tree at this small family run tree farm (disclosure: this is my family's farm). Choose from blue spruce, scotch pine, and white spruce. Options range from 4 feet to over 10 feet tall. Open Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM until Christmas. All trees are $25.
Walton Fire Department, Walton
The Walton Fire Department sells cut trees out of the Walton School Bus Garage each year. Check their Facebook page for days and times. Pick out your Christmas tree, and support a crucial volunteer organization.
We hope you find the perfect Christmas tree!